Dec 5, 2023
Kia Service Technician Looking Under Hood of Vehicle

Most drivers have experienced that sinking feeling when the check engine light suddenly pops up on the dashboard. Should you pull over right away? Take it to the nearest auto repair shop? The check engine light could mean anything from a triggered oxygen sensor to something more serious like failing brakes, and the only way to know is to perform an engine diagnostics test. Luckily, you can turn to Carnamic’s trained technicians to find out what’s going on with your engine and recommend how to fix it.

[BOOK NOW: Schedule Engine Diagnostics Today!]

What is an engine diagnostics test?

During an engine diagnostics, a technician will connect to your vehicle’s computer with a specialized machine. Your vehicle’s computer system will send a code to the machine that tells the technician what might be wrong with your vehicle. Despite the name, engine diagnostics doesn’t typically “diagnose” a problem; instead, it points the trained technician in the right direction to be able to fix the issue.

Sometimes, the source of the light isn’t actually the engine. A diagnostic test can point to an issue in another part of your vehicle, including the brakes, exhaust, transmission, and more. Other times, the cause of the light can be as simple as a faulty spark plug or corroded connector. That’s why it’s so important to leave the diagnostics to the experts since they can tell the difference between a quick fix and a deeper issue. Once the problem is taken care of, the technician might run another test to ensure the problem has been solved.

White Car in Auto Shop

How can I schedule engine diagnostics in the Bay Area?

If you’re looking for fast and friendly engine diagnostics services in the Bay Area, you’ve come to the right place! Carnamic has several locations with trained experts who can get to the bottom of your car troubles. Don’t wait for a small issue to turn into a big problem – contact Carnamic to schedule your engine diagnostics today!